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Monitoring & Evaluation

We Are What It Takes!

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We provide a reliable Monitoring and Evaluation Service for our discerning clients, especially when  they when want to know that their intervention is doing well. During the monitoring process we work in collaboration with project staff that routinely keeps track  of their work. It is in the evaluation process that we work independently of project staff. This  independent involvement lends technical expertise and objectivity to evaluations.


During Monitoring we regularly collect information about all intervention project activities. It shows  whether things are going to plan and helps project managers to identify and solve problems quickly. It keeps track of projects inputs and outputs.


In the Evaluation process we ascertain whether a project is achieving what it set out to do, and whether  it is making a difference. If this is happening the evaluation seeks to understand how and why the  intervention has worked so well. If the project is unsuccessful, questions are raised as to what could  have been done better or differently. Evaluations thus keep track of key outcomes and impacts related to the different project components, assessing whether the objectives, aims and goals are being  achieved.


Evaluations take place at specific times during interventions. It is common to start with baseline  research near the beginning of an intervention so as to obtain information with which subsequent changes can be compared. Further evaluations are usually made at intervals of between two and three  years.


During the monitoring and evaluation process we assist our clients to know whether a project is achieving what it set out to do, and whether it is making a difference. If this is happening the evaluation seeks to understand how and why the intervention has worked so well. If the project is unsuccessful,  questions are raised as to what could have been done better or differently. Evaluations thus keep track  of key outcomes and impacts related to the different project components, assessing whether the  objectives, aims and goals are being achieved.

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